Luxury, Fashion & Lifestyle Photography + Wearable Art Brooches So Much of Human Life is Wasted Waiting

Waiting for the right person. Waiting for the moment of inspiration. Waiting for the right time to say or do something. Waiting for someone to recognize your worth. Waiting for things to get better. Waiting for death – someone else’s or your own. Waiting for validation. Waiting to move on.

For permission. For a particular age. For a particular moment in time. For them to say something. For them to make the first move. For them to grow up and take responsibility. For reciprocation. For an apology. For closure.

Waiting for a boy ( or girl ) to notice you. Waiting for YOUR boy or girl to witness you. Waiting for your boy or girl to truly see you for who you are. Waiting for love.

Meanwhile, you could have just gone for it. Ask them out instead of waiting to be asked out. Ask them if they want to make out instead of wondering if they want to and waiting for a sign. Ask them to leave instead of waiting for them to grow up. Give yourself permission instead of waiting for someone, anyone, to give a fuck.

Waiting for someone to invite you for lunch? To include you in their plans? Invite someone else instead and take THEM. Who knows where that goes. You won’t know it till you do it. Life is short. If you don’t ask, you will never know.

Go get that portfolio shot. Go watch that movie on your own. Go ask for that interview. Go introduce yourself to someone you’ve always wanted to photograph. Go make the first move.

Henry David Thoreau said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.” It is ALL that goddamn waiting.

Ask. Do. Move. Rinse. Repeat.

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