Luxury, Fashion & Lifestyle Photography + Wearable Art Brooches Photographing Yourself

Teach yourself to photograph yourself. It’s one of those things that I, personally, find exhilarating.

Basically, all you need, in addition to the camera device, is a remote & a tripod (& the clip to attach your phone / DSLR to the tripod).

I use my DSLRs to photograph myself. The remote is in my hand & there’s a tiny receiver attached to the DSLR & I’m good to go. Only very recently did I get myself a clip that allows my DSLR to be attached to the tripod vertically. After being a professional photographer for 20 years!

I get dressed, I put on my makeup, I’ve picked out the spots where I want to photograph myself & then it’s a matter of posting, clicking the shutter via the remote, running to the camera to check the shot, adjusting a couple of things & going back and posing. Rinse & repeat.

I believe, this makes me a better photographer when I’m working with clients. Being in front of the camera is very different from getting behind it.

People gather around & stare at the song & dance I do running between posing & checking the shot. I’ve started to carry my Bluetooth speaker with me too so that there’s ambient music as I pose & shoot. It truly makes a massive difference to have upbeat music playing in the background as I shoot – whether I’m photographing myself or a client.

In this photo, I’m done with my shoot & I’m giddy about how I think it turned out. 📷 by @photosbysachin Location @banjaravalleyretreat

*Having someone else to photograph you 24×7, is another blessing & has its own advantages 😜

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