How Tonsil Surgery Can Solve Recurrent Tonsillitis – Insights from a Tonsil Surgeon!

How Tonsil Surgery Can Solve Recurrent Tonsillitis – Insights from a Tonsil Surgeon!

Human anatomy is most complex and equally attractive, with every single part (however small or big) facilitating the smooth running of the entire system. For example, the rearward tissues or tonsils in the throat contain lymphatic cells. There are three tonsils, but most people are aware of two. Tonsils defend the body from bacteria and viruses by filtering them and creating antibodies. But they, too, are vulnerable. Viral or bacterial infection can make them sore, swollen, and red. Such a condition is called tonsillitis. Common infection-causing bacteria and viruses include Epstein-Barr and influenza virus. Sometimes, people also develop headaches, bad breath, ulcers, yellow or white pus and other symptoms because of infection.

Tonsillitis can be chronic or acute. Acute or singular episodic cases often resolve independently or through antibiotics, while the recurring infection may demand surgical intervention. The surgical tonsillitis treatment is referred to as tonsillectomy. 

  • Why do ENTs recommend tonsillectomy?

There are various factors, but recurring tonsil infection is the most common. Due to this, a patient suffers from sore throat, fever, and difficulty swallowing. If the condition aggravates, consuming oral medications can also become a challenge. As a result, a person may have to visit a hospital to receive fluids, antibiotics, and painkillers through intravenous methods. Surgeons usually recommend tonsillectomy if someone has been dealing with recurring tonsil infections for five to seven times a year or the sore throat issue doesn’t resolve with antibiotics. Since tonsillectomy involves total tonsil removal, all your fights with the symptoms may end. The surgeons eliminate the leading cause of throat infections for good. And the good news is tonsils don’t grow back.

Tonsil surgery also helps with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), breathing difficulties, snoring, etc. In some cases, it can also be a solution for lymphoma, a type of cancer that affects the tonsil tissue with a tumour. However, the surgery can be combined with radiation or chemotherapy, depending on the pathological reports.

  • What is the process of tonsillectomy?

Specific preparation will be required. Your ENT can advise you to stop taking medications that interfere with the surgery. You may not eat anything a day before. There will be documentation work, and you will need someone to accompany you until the procedure ends and you return home. As for surgery, it’s simple. A surgeon can use a laser, scalpel, ultrasound or other methods to cut the tonsil while you are under general anaesthesia. Remember, surgery entails a few risks, such as bleeding, infection, swelling, etc. However, recovery can be quick if everything goes well. There can be slight pain in the site for a few initial days. Hence, doctors recommend patients should rest. They can also ask you to stay hydrated and consume liquid before moving to soft and solid foods.

Severe tonsillitis can lead to sleep apnoea problems. However, tonsil removal sets you free from all these potentially disturbing and uncomfortable conditions. You can swallow food quickly, and your snoring will drastically improve. The benefits are wide-ranging. Choose the proper ENT for your health’s safety. A qualified ENT will take enough precautions to minimise the side effects and offer full advantage of the surgery.

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